American Ag Group
Please contact Brian Todd for all your farm equipment needs 910-470-9960

farm chemicals
We're Your #1 Source
Posted on 10/30/2012
At EzBuyAg.com we’re your #1 source for any type of farm chemicals you are looking for. We work with all major manufactures, generic chemical producers and brokers across the country to get you the lowest price possible on all your farm chemicals. In addition, we keep you informed on any upcoming programs and sales that we hear about. We’re able to notify you of price changes and potential shortages because we’re in contact with the entire “chemical system” every day. This will help you to make better decisions in your purchasing while saving you money.
With continuous use of land for planting crops year after year, it’s more important than ever to utilize the newest products you can find. Chemical products are the best method used for crop protection from insect and disease damage and includes fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and growth agents. Agrochemicals are designed to increase your crop productivity while decreasing damage and disease.
Chemicals that are actively used in farm fields for improving the production of crops also play a vital role in controlling pests and diseases. While using these chemicals to prevent disease, it is also important to implement strategic crop protection measures to protect against pests. These measures are adopted to handle prevention, suppression and eradication and include identification of pests and the damage caused by them, biologic aspects and development of the pests life cycle, and the correct method and time for controlling their population.
You can count on us to supply you with everything you’ll need to protect your crops and increase your yields.
Types of Irrigation Systems
Posted on 01/03/2012
Irrigation systems move water from one area to another to compensate for inadequate rainfall. It’s used primarily on farms to water field crops and to maintain pastures for grazing animals. Irrigation systems are also occasionally used on residential property to water gardens and lawns.
Farm irrigation was in use as far back as the 6th Century BC in the Middle East. These areas would not have had enough rainfall to support the crops they were able to produce without the help of irrigation.
Thousands of years ago, irrigation was engineered with carefully placed canals that relied on gravity to move the water. Many of today’s irrigation systems still work off this same principal and feature canals that rely on gravity for power.
Surface irrigation systems rely on gravity to move the water from one place to another. By using furrows to steer the water, controlled floods are unleashed on the land to water them.
Seepage irrigation gives water to plants from below in areas where there is a high water table. This method requires raising the water table through a system of pumps and canals.
Probably the least disruptive to any farm chemicals you’ve applied to your fields is sprinkler irrigation describes irrigation in which the water is pumped through a series of pipes or hoses, and then sprayed over the land.
EzBuyAg.com makes it easier for farmers to locate and purchase farm chemicals. We will find the lowest price for you and help you make better decisions in your purchasing of farm chemicals. Complete descriptions, available packaging and photos of farm chemicals are available on our website.