American Ag Group
Please contact Brian Todd for all your farm equipment needs 910-470-9960

Controlling Grassy and Broadleaf Weeds
Posted on 12/17/2012
Farmers looking for control of grassy and broadleaf weeds in their corn, sorghum, sugarcane and other registered crops, might want to buy Atrazine 4L. This product is well-known for its flexibility in timing of application and tankmix.
When you buy Atrazine 4L you are buying a powerful broad spectrum pre-and post-emergent herbicide that’s sure to help you to minimize weeds in your fields. It’s a flowable herbicide containing 4 lbs. active atrazine per gallon that provides season-long control. Furthermore, you’ll be pleased to know when you buy Atrazine 4L it is tank mix compatible with a wide variety of other herbicides as well as fluid fertilizers and can be applied before or after weeds emerge.
Since this product acts primarily through root absorption, its effectiveness depends on adequate moisture to transport it into the root zone. If weeds develop, a shallow cultivation or rotary hoeing will usually result in better weed control.
Whether used sequentially or tank mixed with other products, economically priced Atrazine 4L and 90DF herbicides complement the overall season-long performance of many herbicide programs. Atrazine 90DF herbicide is an advanced water-dispersible formulation. Decades of use have proven that this herbicide works reliably in a variety of cropping systems.
Grasses controlled include barnyard grass, giant foxtail, green foxtail, large crabgrass, wild oats, witch grass, and yellow foxtail. Broadleaf weeds controlled include cocklebur, ground cherry, jimsonweed (post-emergent only for 4L), kochia, lambs quarters, annual morning glory, mustards, nightshade, pigweed, purslane, ragweed, sicklepod, velvetlear (post-emergent), velvetleaf and wild buckwheat (post-emergent only).