American Ag Group
Please contact Brian Todd for all your farm equipment needs 910-470-9960

Let EZBuyAg Be Your Wholesale Farm Chemical Supplier
Posted on 01/17/2018
As a leading provider of agricultural chemicals, EZBuy Ag is the only one that connects growers to the source of their products and we want to be your farm chemical supplier. We interact with all major chemical manufacturers, chemical producers and brokers across the U.S. to find the lowest prices on all farm chemicals then we pass that savings on to you.
We keep our customers notified about upcoming programs and sales. We’ll let you know about changing prices and potential shortages as soon as we do atEZBuy Ag. We can do that when nobody else can because we’re in contact with the entire chemical industry on a daily basis we can help you make better purchase decisions while saving you money.
With land being continuously planted with crops year in and year out, it’s important to stay current with the newest farm chemicals that you can find and we can help you with that. Ag chemicals are the best method for protecting your crops. This includes fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and growth agents. As your farm chemical supplier we stock chemicals designed for increasing your agricultural productivity while decreasing damage and disease.
Farm chemicals that are used in fields for improving the production of crops can also prevent pests and control diseases. Apart from using these chemicals on a continuous basis to prevent disease, it is important to implement other strategic measures for pests. These measures are adopted to deal with prevention, suppression and eradication and include identification of pests and the damage caused by them, learning about the biologic aspects and development of the pests lifecycle, and the correct method and time for controlling their population with the use of farm chemicals.
Give us a call today at 1-855-EZBUYAG or reach out to us via our Contact form and we’ll get back to you promptly!
10 Top Reasons to Purchase Your Ag Chemicals from Us
Posted on 11/27/2017
When it comes to choosing where you will purchase your agricultural chemicals we’ve come up with the 10 best reasons to shop with EZ Buy Ag. Whether you frequently purchase fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, fumigants, or other products for your needs, we can help you with any sustainable solutions you may have. The crop protection products we can find you will give you the tools you need to maximize productivity and keep fields free of weeds, insects, and diseases.
1. We’re locally owned and operated right here in Raleigh, North Carolina.
2. You’ll be informed of all off-season sales and special deals on the agricultural chemicals you need most.
3. Guaranteed quality on all products you get from us at EZBuyAg. Feel free to return any products you’re not 100% happy with!
4. We promise to find you the lowest rates on the top adjutants, fungicides, insecticides, cotton harvest aids, herbicides, plant growth regulators and so much more.
5. We provide you the opportunity to Name Your Price on any chemicals you order from us now or in the future.
6. Many different payment options available to you that we’re happy to assist with.
7. Weekly Chemical Specials that you can take advantage of for bigger savings.
8. Instant Quotes are available anytime 24/7/365.
9. Outstanding customer service! Call us anytime at 1-855-EZBUYAG and see for yourself!
10. Convenience! We’re an online distributor of farm chemicals. Check out what we have from the comfort of your living room or office and if you need something you don’t see, just give us a call and we’ll find it for you at the price you want to pay!
We look forward to assisting you in the near future about your agricultural chemical needs!
Planting Season Has Begun!
Posted on 04/24/2017
So far this year has been very enjoyable dealing with growers and dealers from Florida, New York, Ohio, Vermont, Wisconsin, Virginia, Colorado, North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi, Tennessee, Missouri, Texas, Arkansas, Georgia just to name a few. We feel very fortunate to be in a position of helping the American Farmer save money on their chemical purchases which in turn helps their bottom line. With that said, there are some key products that are already starting to show signs of shortages so please do not wait until it is too late. Most all chemicals are in high demand now so I am sure as the season goes on there will be more possible shortages.
Please call for pricing.
Helpful Hint of the Month:
Don’t forget the AMS! Roundup PowerMAX and other glyphosates recommend; “The addition of 8.5 to 17 pounds per 100 gallons of water, may increase the performance of this product on annual and perennial weeds, particularly under hard water conditions, drought conditions or when tank-mixed with certain residual herbicides.” Our Power AMS at a rate of 1quart per 100 gallons is a very easy and inexpensive way to make sure you are getting the best results from your glyphosate applications.
Once again we are hearing that Liberty will be potentially short again. We are starting to move lots of generic Liberty now in the $36.00- $41.00 range depending on quantity.
We still have a great price on generic harmony (Nimble/ Civility) and we are moving lots of Karate (Kendo- Lambda Cy) so please feel free to call if we can help.
Atrazine and Trizmet II both are starting to move now so please email or call for pricing.
Soy Beans:
Lots of our NC farmers are starting to think about burn down for their beans. 2,4 D amine and glyphosate are hot movers right now. We are quoting lots of envive and generic valor sx for their beans also.
Once again thank you for your business and if you are looking for a way to cut cost on your chemical needs please give us a try.
Call 1-855-392-8924 or email us today to place an order with us! View our product line at www.ezbuyag.com
Analyzing the Global Agricultural Chemicals Industry
Posted on 02/22/2016
According to a recent analysis published, Analyzing the Global Agricultural Chemicals Industry, the global market for agricultural chemicals has grown steadily over the last few years. This is publication is the results of a complete analysis of the global agricultural industry from market statistics to market forecast till 2019.
When it comes to demand Asia Pacific has been the leader in the market. They are expected to exceed over 70% of the industry demand in the upcoming years.
BASF is the leader amongst all players when it comes to having the largest market share. Other prominent industry players include Dow Chemical, Monsanto Company, Cargill, Bayer, Syngenta AG, and others.
The market is divided into two major segments — the fertilizer nutrients market and the pesticide active ingredients market. The key markets for these products are the agricultural sector as well as households and assorted industrial and commercial users.
The most popular products include fertilizers, pesticides like herbicides, insecticides and fungicides, as well as agricultural chemical products such as insect repellants, sheep dip, fly sprays, flea powders, etc. At present, the global market for these agricultural chemicals accounts for almost $125 billion.
Nitrogenous fertilizers are the leading revenue source for the global fertilizers and chemicals market. The volume of consumption of fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals will steadily increase as global populations rise and the requirement for agricultural outputs increases.
Segments analyzed for the global fertilizer nutrients market include phosphate fertilizers, potash fertilizers, and nitrogen fertilizers. The segments analyzed for the global pesticide active ingredients market include fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides.
Present research presents an analysis of the global agricultural chemical industry in a report. The report is a complete analysis of the worldwide agricultural chemicals industry. It begins with an analysis of the industry through an industry definition. Following this, the global market is analyzed for agricultural chemicals through a market overview and the global demand for fertilizer nutrients and pesticide active ingredients. A regional demand for agricultural chemicals is also looked at and the global industry is analyzed regionally by the market for fertilizer nutrients and pesticide active ingredients.
An analysis of the industry segments is also carried out. Segments analyzed for the global fertilizer nutrients market include phosphate fertilizers, potash fertilizers, and nitrogen fertilizers. The segments analyzed for the global pesticide active ingredients market include fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides.
Factors driving the global agricultural chemicals market and the challenges facing the industry are analyzed in this report.
Using Agricultural Adjuvants to Slow Chemical Absorption
Posted on 02/24/2015
To improve adhesion to crops when spraying herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers agricultural adjuvants can be added to the spray tanks being used. These provide a unique water-resistant coating agent that successfully helps to adhere chemicals used onto the plants. In addition, they are protected from degradation by sunlight and high temperatures. This water-resistant coating slows the release of the chemicals to the plant. While phytotoxicity is reduced it greatly extends the action of the chemical being sprayed.
Phytotoxicity is normally the result of a fast uptake of a chemical, during the first few hours after spraying by crops that are only relatively resistant to that chemical. In the case of weed killing, a delay of a day or two may be introduced by the use of adjuvants designed to slow down rather than speed up the uptake of spray chemicals by treated plants.
At EzBuyAg we carry an assortment of agricultural adjuvants that are made from a formulation of polymers for use in tank-mixture with agricultural and horticultural chemicals of all types. These products are used to improve adherence during times of rain or as a safener in situations of marginal selectivity.
Adjuvants for use with agricultural pesticides are also known as extenders, wetting agents, sticking agents and fogging agents. The assortment of agricultural adjuvants we have include but are not limited to the following:
80/20 Non-Ionic Surfactant
Ammonium Sulfate L
Blast Charge
Crop Oil
Foam Control Agent
Foam Marker
MSO, Silicon Enhanced, Non-Ionic
Silicon Enhanced MSO
Zen-Plex 681
Give us a call toll free anytime at 1-855-392-8924. We’ll be happy to discuss your agricultural chemical needs with you and tell you how we can save you money on your future purchases with us.
Don’t Miss These Great Deals Before Year End
Posted on 11/17/2014
With the end of the year fast approaching you’ll want to take advantage of our low prices on the agricultural chemicals for sale. You won’t find any adjuvants, insecticides, herbicides, fungacides, pesticides or other crop protection products better priced than what we will quote you right here at EZBuyAg. As an online wholesale supplier of farm chemicals we can give you the lowest price just by cutting out the middle man. Give us a call today and see for yourself!
Hot Deals!
Hot products right now include the following:
~ Glyphosate (httpss://www.ezbuyag.com/farm-chemical-details.cfm/200)
~ Bifenthrin (httpss://www.ezbuyag.com/farm-chemical-details.cfm/151)
~ Paraquat (httpss://www.ezbuyag.com/farm-chemical-details.cfm/60)
~ Acephate (httpss://www.ezbuyag.com/farm-chemical-details.cfm/142)
~ Stratego Yield (httpss://www.ezbuyag.com/farm-chemical-details.cfm/135)
Win a $50 Bass Pro Shops Gift Card
For every 10 orders received – we will be drawing a $50 Gift Card winner. You have a 1 out of 10 chance of winning. Create your account, send in your quote, confirm the order and you are automatically entered into the drawing! This month’s winner of the Bass Pro Shops gift card was David Tew from North Carolina. Just think, next month it could be you!
Why EZBuyAg?
Our over 50 years of combined experience in the chemical industry and having worked with all major manufactures, generic chemical producers and brokers across the U.S., we’re able to find you the lowest prices possible on all farm chemicals you require. We stay in direct contact with the chemical industry on a constant basis and will keep you informed when prices drop and of any potential shortages we foresee coming.
Allow us to help you make better buying decisions when it comes to agricultural chemicals. You’ll no longer have to miss out on sales or potential programs that will benefit you and your agricultural needs in the long run.
Roundup PowerMax Herbicide
Posted on 03/28/2014
When you’re looking for an agricultural herbicide formulation that offers powerful, consistent weed control, take a look at Roundup PowerMAX. The consistency of control this product provides has been enhanced and proven on weeds that are known to be hard to control such as velvetleaf, purslane, lambsquarters, kochia, Canada thistle and morning glory.
Roundup PowerMAX has consistently outperformed imitator herbicide products in both greenhouse and field trials with performance you can see. Specially formulated with CROPSHIELD, it offers weed to weed and field to field control.
In warmer climates, a preharvest application of Roundup PowerMAX® herbicide can help to hasten grain sorghum drydown and aid with weed control and plant desiccation for ease of harvest. The following benefits can be found through preharvest application:
• Desiccation of foliage permits for earlier harvest.
• Grain moisture may be significantly reduced at harvest time.
• Less green matter provides an increase in harvest efficiency.
• Late-season weed control helps reduce late-season weed seed production.
• Late-season water uptake from the sorghum and weeds may be reduced, resulting in more soil moisture for the next crop.
• Less evidence of grain mold complex in sorghum panicle.
Keep in mind that Roundup PowerMAX® herbicide should not be used pre-harvest on sorghum grown for seed, as reduction in germination or vigor may occur. Apply Roundup PowerMAX® when grain sorghum is at 30 percent moisture or less. When applying Roundup PowerMAX® herbicide pre-harvest, if grain sorghum is drought-stressed, diseased or lush due to irrigation, it is recommended to increase the application towards the higher end of the labeled herbicide rate and add a full rate of AMS (17 lbs/ 100 gal of spray solution). Avoid a pre-harvest application of Roundup PowerMAX® if sorghum is infected with charcoal rot as lodging may occur.
When Best to Utilize Gramoxone Inteon Herbicide
Posted on 03/20/2014
The broad-spectrum herbicide, Gramoxone Inteon, was approved by the Environmental Protection Agency for use as weed control in late 2005. Syngenta Crop Protection’s Gramoxone Inteon, a new formulation of paraquat herbicide, is effective in burn down and harvest aid usages and offers an alternative to glyphosate technology.
“Gramoxone Inteon is a major advance in product stewardship and reduced risk,” said Rusty Wendt, Syngenta brand manager. “This new innovative formulation continues the Gramoxone tradition by providing outstanding weed control and an effective weed resistance management tool option.”
After years of research, Gramoxone Inteon contains an assortment of new features to improve its safety profile. It now reduces the risk of harm from accidental ingestion through the use of a novel formulation based on alginates. Alginates are non-toxic, natural products that are extracted from seaweed. Alginates in Gramoxone Inteon have no negative impact on product performance and come into play only in the case of accidental ingestion. The alginate technology helps to prevent the product from being absorbed into the body, thereby increasing time and efficacy for medical treatment should ingestion occur. An emetic, purgative and distinctive green dye further enhances the product safety profile.
Another new feature is a less offensive alerting agent. The alert now has a mild “decaying grass” odor designed to warn the user against accidental ingestion. This new odor further provides a more positive user experience during application and handling.
When it comes to glyphosate weed resistance management, Gramoxone Inteon is the way to go. Gramoxone Inteon helps preserve glyphosate technology for future use. A burndown with Gramoxone Inteon allows growers to save their glyphosate applications for in-crop use where they fit best.
“Now that glyphosate resistance has been confirmed in all major crop production regions in the United States, it’s more important than ever growers take measures to preserve this valuable technology,” says Wendt. “It’s time we gave glyphosate a rest by utilizing other chemistries like Gramoxone Inteon in burndown situations so that we can save glyphosate for in-crop use.”
Are You Looking for a Reliable Herbicide Distributor?
Posted on 09/13/2013
We know how important it is to stay on schedule with your agricultural duties. That’s why we want to be the herbicide distributor that you can rely on. If other distributors have consistently let you down time and time again, were unable to get the products you’d come to rely on, and keep raising their prices, give us a call. We’ll tell you how we can sell you the products you want at a price you need, reliably and consistently.
The turf management program you have in place likely requires the regular application of herbicides along with good cultural practices. That’s why it’s important to deal with an herbicide distributor that you can rely on to be there when you need them.
The agronomic, ecological and economic factors at play on your land will determine the type of herbicides you will be using. Herbicides may be selective or non-selective. Selective herbicides kill weeds in turf grasses with little or no harm to the turf grass itself. Non-selective herbicides kill all plants when applied at adequate rates.
No herbicides belong rigidly to either group. Non-selective herbicides may act selectively if the dosage is excessive and even a selective herbicide may become phytotoxic. Selectivity is a property of the type of treatment as well as the chemical, gauged by such things as time and the application method, chemical formulation, conditions of the environment during and following application, the stages of turf grass and weed growth, and especially the dosage.
When you’re looking for a distributor for any of your agricultural chemicals, take a look at what we have to offer you. We know you won’t be disappointed.
Let Us Be Your Wholesale Farm Chemical Dealer
Posted on 08/08/2013
As a leading supplier of farm chemicals we are the only one that connects growers to the source of their products and we want to be your wholesale farm chemical dealer. We interact with all major manufactures, chemical producers and brokers across the U.S. to find the absolute lowest prices possible on all farm chemicals. We keep all of our customers notified about upcoming programs and sales. We’ll let you know about changing prices and potential shortages as soon as we do. Because we’re in contact with the entire chemical industry on a daily basis we can help you make better purchase decisions while saving you money.
With land being continually planted with crops year after year, it’s more important than ever to utilize the newest farm chemicals that you can find and we can help with that. Chemicals are the best method for protecting your crops. This includes fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and growth agents. As your wholesale farm chemical dealer we stock chemicals designed for increasing your agricultural productivity and decreasing damage and disease.
Farm chemicals that are used in fields for improving the production of crops can equally controls pests and diseases. Apart from using these chemicals on a continuous basis to prevent disease, it is important to implement other strategic measures for pests. These measures are adopted to deal with prevention, suppression and eradication and include identification of pests and the damage caused by them, learning about the biologic aspects and development of the pests lifecycle, and the correct method and time for controlling their population with the use of farm chemicals.